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*Key facts of IFSC rules and regulations
> Aim at creating a vibrant IFSC on the lines of those in Dubai and Singapore. They also seek to check the flight of trading in rupee and Indian securities to such offshore financial hubs.
> These rules will allow companies incorporate outside India to raise money in foreign currencies by issuance and listing of their equity shares on stock exchanges within the IFSC.
> They will also allow individual and institutional investors from India and abroad, including NRIs to trade.
> Allows foreign and Indian stock exchanges to set up separate bourses within IFSC as subsidiaries.
> Relaxes capital and other requirements for some time in order to facilitate exchanges, clearing corporations and depositories to set shop in the IFSC.
> Allows alternative investment funds and mutual funds that have set up in the IFSC to invest in the securities listed there.
*About International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
IRENA is an intergovernmental organization to promote adoption and sustainable use of renewable energy. It is the global hub for renewable energy cooperation and information exchange within its member nations.
Founded: in 2009 and its statute entered into force on 8 July 2010.
Headquarters: Abu Dhabi.
Two governing structure: IRENA Assembly which takes decisions at macro level and gives policy guidance. IRENA Council is main governing body and is responsible for implementing various decisions of assembly.
Members: In total it has 140 Members. India is one of the 33 Permanent and founder members of IRENA.
> To create awareness on proper healthcare and maternity facilities to pregnant and lactating women.
> It also seeks to create awareness about the institutional delivery, reducing anemia among women and better pre and post natal health care are necessary for mothers.
> It should be noted that safe motherhood also means to ensure that all women receive the care they need to be safe and healthy throughout pregnancy and childbirth.
*Some facts about Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in India
> India has registered an overall 70 percent decline in MMR during period from 1990 to 2012 as compared to global decline of 45 percent.
> During 2011-13, the MMR has declined 167 per one lakh live births compared to 178 per one-lakh live births in 2010-12.
> The rate of decline in MMR is showing an increasing trend from annual rate of 6.2 percent in 2011-13 compared to 4.1 percent in 2001-03.
> Apart from MMR, the institutional delivery in India has risen sharply from 47 per cent in 2007-08 to over 75 per cent in 2013
NGT in its ruling
> Ordered to stop to all construction activity in the NCR immediately which do not follow rules stipulated in the 2010 guidelines of Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF).
> Directed developers to provide masks to every workers working on the construction site or engaged in loading and unloading of building materials.
> Directed every owner and builder to put tarpaulin sheets around area of construction so the material does not disperse through air.
> Trucks or vehicles carrying construction material and debris must be fully covered Banned builder and owner from throwing construction material particularly sand on the roads or inside colonies.
> Any developer if found violating these orders, shall be liable to pay a fine of 50 thousand rupees. In this regard, NGT has directed all concerned authorities to take appropriate measures in order to ensure follow and implement all these directions.
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>> India’s first IFSC becomes operational at GIFT City in Gujarat:
India’s first International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) became operational at Gujarat International Finance Tec (GIFT) City in Gandhinagar district of Gujarat. It became operational after Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley unveiled the rules and regulations for this global financial hub.*Key facts of IFSC rules and regulations
> Aim at creating a vibrant IFSC on the lines of those in Dubai and Singapore. They also seek to check the flight of trading in rupee and Indian securities to such offshore financial hubs.
> These rules will allow companies incorporate outside India to raise money in foreign currencies by issuance and listing of their equity shares on stock exchanges within the IFSC.
> They will also allow individual and institutional investors from India and abroad, including NRIs to trade.
> Allows foreign and Indian stock exchanges to set up separate bourses within IFSC as subsidiaries.
> Relaxes capital and other requirements for some time in order to facilitate exchanges, clearing corporations and depositories to set shop in the IFSC.
> Allows alternative investment funds and mutual funds that have set up in the IFSC to invest in the securities listed there.
>> India to chair 9th International Renewable Energy Agency council meet:
India is going to chair the ninth International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) council meeting to be held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). The 9th IRENA council is scheduled to start from 10 June 2015 and will be a two day event. In this meeting 21 member nations of IRENA council are going to take part. They will guide the agency’s future programmes and activities.*About International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
IRENA is an intergovernmental organization to promote adoption and sustainable use of renewable energy. It is the global hub for renewable energy cooperation and information exchange within its member nations.
Founded: in 2009 and its statute entered into force on 8 July 2010.
Headquarters: Abu Dhabi.
Two governing structure: IRENA Assembly which takes decisions at macro level and gives policy guidance. IRENA Council is main governing body and is responsible for implementing various decisions of assembly.
Members: In total it has 140 Members. India is one of the 33 Permanent and founder members of IRENA.
>> National Safe Motherhood day:
Every year on 11 April, National Safe Motherhood day is being observed across India. Objective of the day> To create awareness on proper healthcare and maternity facilities to pregnant and lactating women.
> It also seeks to create awareness about the institutional delivery, reducing anemia among women and better pre and post natal health care are necessary for mothers.
> It should be noted that safe motherhood also means to ensure that all women receive the care they need to be safe and healthy throughout pregnancy and childbirth.
*Some facts about Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in India
> India has registered an overall 70 percent decline in MMR during period from 1990 to 2012 as compared to global decline of 45 percent.
> During 2011-13, the MMR has declined 167 per one lakh live births compared to 178 per one-lakh live births in 2010-12.
> The rate of decline in MMR is showing an increasing trend from annual rate of 6.2 percent in 2011-13 compared to 4.1 percent in 2001-03.
> Apart from MMR, the institutional delivery in India has risen sharply from 47 per cent in 2007-08 to over 75 per cent in 2013
>> NGT directs Real Estate Sector to check air pollution due to dust emanating from construction sites:
National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed Real Estate Sector in the Delhi and National Capital Region (NCR) to check air pollution caused by dust emanating from construction sites. The ruling was given by NGT bench headed by Chairperson Justice Swatanter Kumar on 10 April 2015.NGT in its ruling
> Ordered to stop to all construction activity in the NCR immediately which do not follow rules stipulated in the 2010 guidelines of Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF).
> Directed developers to provide masks to every workers working on the construction site or engaged in loading and unloading of building materials.
> Directed every owner and builder to put tarpaulin sheets around area of construction so the material does not disperse through air.
> Trucks or vehicles carrying construction material and debris must be fully covered Banned builder and owner from throwing construction material particularly sand on the roads or inside colonies.
> Any developer if found violating these orders, shall be liable to pay a fine of 50 thousand rupees. In this regard, NGT has directed all concerned authorities to take appropriate measures in order to ensure follow and implement all these directions.
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