Sunday, 29 March 2015

27-March-2015 Current Affairs

27-03-2015 Current Affairs
1. India and Qatar inked six agreements to increase
commercial and economic exchanges.

2. Ministry of Railways constituted Ajay Shankar Committee to review PPP Cell functioning

3. Novel titled Family Life written by Akhil Sharma won the Folio Prize 2015

4. Vice president released book title Faces and Places written by Prof. Deepak Nayyar.

5. India’s first Polar Remotely Operated Vehicle operationalised in North Antarctica

6. Renowned Hindi poet Gopaldas Neeraj won the Rashtriya Kavi Pradeep Samman for the year 2012-13

7. Twitter Samvad launched for direct communication between Government and Citizens

8. Union Government sanctioned 2000 crore rupees under NDRF for drought-hit districts of Maharashtra.

9. US agreed to keep 9800 troops in Afghanistan through the end of 2015

10. Google Inc appointed Ruth Porat as Chief Financial Officer

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